Custom trademark
If you want to fill out the trademark registration application yourself, simply complete the free-of-charge, non-binding request and send it to us to review.
If you are interested in entrusting the entire trademark registration process to our law firm and thus save your time, please feel free to contact us.
Please write us an email or send us your contact details using the contact form2.
Please specify your line of business or explain the specific products or services which you are looking to protect with a trademark3.
We will then contact you by phone to gather all the information necessary to complete the application4.
Once we enter your information, we will provide you with a final price for our comprehensive trademark registration services (the price depends on the specified parameters)5.
We will then send you a power of attorney form to authorise the Boldiz Law Firm to represent you with an invoice for our services6.
We then complete the trademark registration process once we receive written authorisation and payment of our invoice